Serafim Feather-Hunter

Serafim Feather-Hunter boy fairies


This name is Hebrew and means an angel of lower order. He is the least important of the angel fairies and he has no purpose. He is just fun to look at. Obsessed with feathers this fairy is, he steals the feathers from wings, the birds around him no longer have joy to sing. He is clothed like a bird, his house is a soft feather loft.

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Fairy Name: Serafim Feather-Hunter<br />Personality: This name is Hebrew and means an angel of lower order. He is the least important of the angel fairies and he has no purpose. He is just fun to look at. Obsessed with feathers this fairy is, he steals the feathers from wings, the birds around him no longer have joy to sing. He is clothed like a bird, his house is a soft feather loft. <br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Serafim Feather-Hunter</a>

The history of fairies
The term fairy derives from the Middle English word:faierie (also fayerye, feirie, fairie), a direct borrowing from Old French faerie (Modern French féerie) meaning the land, realm, or characteristic activity ... see more fairy history
a full list of names that mean fairy.
Marica... see more fairy names.